A Group Led by Uzbekistan’ s Ambassador to China Visits Shaolin Temple

Publish Date:2024-03-12

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On Mar. 9, 2024, H.e.mr.Farhod Arziev, Uzbekistan’ s ambassador to China, Niyazmuradow Ikhtiyor, commercial counsellor of the embassy, and others visited Shaolin Temple, receiving a warm welcome from Shaolin monks.


Visiting Shaolin Temple s iron cauldron of the Ming Dynasty

Accompanied by Shaolin Temple’ s master, the group visited the Shaolin Temple permanent residence compound, knowing about Shaolin Temple’ s cultural inheritance and historical development, appreciating its architecture, tablets sculpture, murals and other arts, and also watching national intangible heritage--Shaolin Kungfu performance. They highly praised Shaolin Temple’ s inheritance and development over thousands of years.



Discussions at the Abbot Hall

At the Abbot Hall, abbot Shi Yongxin and H.e.mr.Farhod Arziev talked joyfully and also explained Shaolin Temple’ s overseas cultural exchanges in recent years.

Taking a group photo after watching Shaolin Kungfu performance

Taking group photos with delight

H.e.mr.Farhod Arziev admired Shaolin Temple’ s wisdom and energy for world peace and peaceful exchanges, and also graciously invited abbot Yongxin to lead his group to Uzbekistan for visit and exchange to make Shaolin culture benefit more locals.

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