UK Shaolin Xiu Culture Centre Hosts the Ullambana Celebration

Publish Date:2023-09-05

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From 10 am to 4 pm on Sunday of September 3, 2023 local time, the UK Shaolin Xiu Culture Centre grandly hosted the Ullambana Celebration for thanks giving, blessing and releasing souls from purgatory. The event included chanting, blessing, souls releasing from purgatory, speech-giving and other activities. Master Jingtong, master Huanzhou, master Yanxiu, master Guangde, master Guangli, master Runxiu and master Guanglu from the cultural center as well as master Lingtian and master Huihao from the Lingshan Temple, presided over the dharma assembly. Meanwhile Dr. Kassapa and K. Dhammatoth, masters from the Maha Vihara were also invited to attend the event.

Solemn altar

Flowers offered to Buddha

Blessing dharma assembly

Devoutly chanting sutra

Devoutly praying

Taking a photo with delight

There were more than 400 people attended the event including students of the center, overseas students, overseas Chinese, Shaolin Kungfu enthusiasts and others. It was successfully completed at 4 o’ clock on the afternoon. Virtues and merits were to bless parents for their health, happiness and life extension, and transferred to sentient beings of the ten directions for releasing from suffering and gaining peace of body and mind.

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